Inline skating is the most common skating or roller skating activity. Some people call inline skating recreational skating or fitness skating because of the benefits it offers. Inline is synonymous with roller skating or rollerblading. It is called inline skating because you use inline skates. Actually, an inline skate is the same boot with wheels people call roller blades or roller skates.

Rollerblade is a brand name of roller skates. Rollerblade, Inc. is the company owned by the Olson brothers who created the mother design of the roller skates we know today. From an old worn out pair of roller skates, the Olson brothers improved it to use modern materials.

From the time the Olson brothers established Rollerblade, Inc., the public used rollerblades to mean roller skates or inline skates.

Inline, on the other hand, works the same as ice skating: you glide on the surface using boots with four to five wheels in a straight line under the boot. There are many variations of inline skating including:

  • Aggressive
  • Figure
  • Downhill
  • Park competition
  • Vert
  • Speed

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2608408